Benefits of an Easy to Use and Comprehensive OTT Service Provider

What to look for in an end-to-end streaming technology provider that will allow your business to scale rapidly and drive efficiency in a dynamic marketplace.

Maximizing Efficiency and Monetization: The Benefits of a Scalable Platform for Streaming Companies of All Sizes

As the streaming industry continues to expand rapidly, companies both large and small are facing a critical challenge: how to scale their video libraries quickly and efficiently while maximizing monetization potential.

Whether it’s an independent content creator, a mid-sized media company, or a large-scale streaming platform, the path to success lies in solutions that streamline the content ingestion and delivery process while reducing operational overhead.

For smaller companies or independent content creators without the resources to manually ingest, normalize, transcode, monetize, and deliver thousands of titles per month, a ready-to-use platform simplifies technical challenges.

For larger streaming platforms, automation capabilities allow them to manage thousands of titles and updates efficiently, without overburdening their internal teams and removing possibilities for human error.

This is where Matchpoint’s advanced automation capabilities lead the way. Originally built as the power behind Cineverse – one of the world’s largest and most diverse streaming content portfolios – the product is now a white-label offering for anyone wanting to enter or grow in the OTT space.

Let’s take a look at some of the key areas where streaming companies can gain a competitive advantage… and how Matchpoint can help your business succeed in those areas.

Efficiency Through Automation

At the heart of any successful streaming platform is the ability to automate large parts of the content ingestion and distribution process.

Collaborating with production houses for transcoding, quality control or caption creation can take days or weeks for one title to process, which isn’t realistic for companies needing to ingest tens of thousands of titles every month.

Automating everything from quality control to caption creation and metadata enrichment unlocks scale in a way that will help any company keep up with the Netflixs and Disneys of the world. It also reduces the need for extensive manpower and minimizes the possibility of human error.

For the automation skeptics out there, don’t worry. Any proper automation tools will keep a human in the loop for oversight and marginal cases. When working properly, an automation tool will be more like a superpower for your human workforce.

Image showing AI powered OTT streaming tool for rapid scaling of streaming platforms.

Scalability for Companies of All Sizes

Scalability is a critical consideration for streaming companies of every size hoping to unlock growth through a change in technology provider.

A platform that works for a small video library may not be suitable when content catalogs expand to include hundreds or even thousands of titles. A flexible, scalable solution must adapt seamlessly to a company’s needs, whether the content library consists of a handful of videos or thousands of hours of programming.

For burgeoning streaming companies, a scalable platform offers an entry point into the OTT world without the need to build a custom content preparation workflow from scratch.

Instead of navigating a complex and often confusing production process, independent streaming companies can activate the power of institutional knowledge by trusting their content workflows to a company with decades of experience.

On the other hand, larger media companies can break up a content pipeline that was put together over years or months and streamline their processes with an end-to-end solution. The fewer times any one asset is imported or exported, the faster the delivery process will go. This will be key when a company’s strategy involves a volume play.

Streamlined Monetization

That’s what this whole thing is about, right? Delivering more, high quality content than ever before while maximizing revenue.

Instead of partnering with a third-party ad placement and optimization company, why not integrate the ads process into your content production pipeline? Choose a technology partner that makes monetization a normal part of your in-house workflow so money comes in as soon as your content goes out the door.

Now, of course, there are certain steps you’ll need to take to enable advertising placement… but a good OTT service provider handles that as well. Cutting edge streaming technology is now capable of placing SCTE markers at ideal times in your content like scene breaks, dips to black, and other natural edits. Using the power of AI, you can identify these moments and place cue points faster than ever before while keeping both advertisers and audiences happy with the viewing experience.

Happy viewers, happy partners, greater efficiency. It is possible.

Cross-Platform Delivery

The single most important aspect when trying to scale your streaming business is avoiding duplicate work. Today’s streaming landscape makes that nearly impossible… Each AVOD platform has different delivery standards and requirements. Each technical component and documentation requirement must be executed perfectly, lest your content be rejected from a platform. And if you want to launch a FAST channel or an SVOD business model? Well then things will get even more complicated.

The ideal, number one, absolutely must have it feature in any OTT streaming technology is the ability to ingest once and deliver anywhere. Instead of trying to tailor your production process to each individual streaming platform, choose a production process that can meet requirements for many platforms concurrently. This way, when your business starts to grow, adding a new streaming partner is as simple as pressing one more button during the ingest process.

Where Does Matchpoint Fit Into All Of This?

There are, of course, many OTT streaming technology providers. And tons of successful streaming companies operate their businesses on a patchwork series of technology partners throughout the entire production process.

But only one OTT technology provider powers Cineverse, one of the largest streaming portfolios in the world. And that technology is Matchpoint, an end-to-end OTT solution built on decades upon decades of streaming technology experience.

Matchpoint provides your streaming business with one clear content production pipeline, while utilizing next-generation features to provide the fastest route to scaling your business.

Automated quality control tests dozens of different parameters across video, audio, and captions. An extensive QC report ensures content fidelity and helps fix errors faster than ever before.

An AI-powered cue point tool finds the contextual moments in your content to place ads, and a confidence score and time code sheet keeps a human in the loop during this critical point of the production process.

And, of course, Matchpoint unlocks scale by delivering your content to over 100 AOVD platforms with just one ingest.

How’s that for scalability?

Matchpoint OTT Streaming Platform from Cineverse logo
Matchpoint is the technology behind Cineverse graphic.
Ready to see Matchpoint in action?
From Screen to Stream!

Cineverse Matchpoint has already achieved scale


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